In doing so, the Free State is committing itself to being a country of immigration.
Saxony is the first of the eastern German states to pass an integration law. In doing so, the Free State has committed itself to being a state of immigration.
The Saxon Integration and Participation Act (SITG) was enshrined in the coalition agreement and passed through the cabinet today. Wirtschaft für ein Weltoffenes Sachsen, together with the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of Chemnitz, Dresden, Leipzig and Silicon Saxony e. V., had long campaigned for the anchoring of labor migration as an essential cornerstone of a self-confident skilled labor location marketing of a stronger intercultural opening both in the economy and above all in the public sector and to secure prosperity in the Free State…
The Free State of Saxony sees itself as a cosmopolitan and future-oriented state. Successful integration of people with a migration background offers opportunities for our state, not only in economic, social and cultural terms. It can also contribute to solving fundamental issues affecting society as a whole, such as demographic change and the associated labor shortage. This is how it was formulated in the preamble to the law. With the SITG, Saxony is legally enshrined as an immigration state. Of course. Not everything that would have been desirable is reflected in the law. But the fact is that Saxony is the first eastern German federal state with such a law and the sixth in Germany. Our topics of employment migration, the intercultural education of civil servants and the opening of the administration to employees with foreign roots are reflected in the law. “This is how Welcome Saxony works,” says Robert Czajkowski, spokesman for the board of the Wirtschaft für ein Weltoffenes Sachsen association. Saxony’s own integration and participation law is an important instrument for facilitating the integration of well-trained employees. It can enable a functioning integration management system in the Free State and thus provide a basis for strengthening the integration of people in society as a whole.
In the coalition agreement, the governing parties committed themselves to the principle of “demand and support” and to intensifying “…efforts to recruit skilled workers from third countries”. This will of the coalition partners is now enshrined in law.
A successful and healthy economy promotes social cohesion and makes a considerable contribution to intercultural understanding through the integration of foreign workers. Anchoring labor migration as part of the law offers the potential to make Saxony a reliable partner within community building. This is an important basis for making Saxony competitive both nationally and internationally with proactive skilled labor marketing.
The prospering business location of Saxony must be effectively visible as an attractive place to live and work in the global competition for the best minds. Barriers and process inefficiencies must be removed and innovation made easier. 30% of start-ups in Germany are already founded by migrants. Diversity as a driver of innovation can no longer be ignored. People who create something together reduce resentment and thus enable benevolent, value-based cooperation on an equal footing. This is how Welcome Saxony works!
In the Sächsische Zeitung