The association “Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes Sachsen” is dedicating its kick-off events in Dresden and Chemnitz to the topic of “Cosmopolitanism vs. local workforce potential – conflict or opportunity” and … Weiterlesen

We were shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the unexpected death of our Board Spokesman Andreas von Bismarck. Andreas von Bismarck was one of the founding members of the … Weiterlesen

6th title competition for Saxon companies 2020 Patron Petra Köpping: “The best place to work is still where there is diversity.” The “Companies for Tolerance” title competition is being held … Weiterlesen

Dresden, Monday April 20, 2020: Disapproval of the approval of the Pegida rally on Adolf Hitler’s birthday as the first gathering after the relaxation of the Saxon Corona Protection Ordinance … Weiterlesen

The coronavirus crisis continues to have the world firmly in its grip. Germany’s almost complete lockdown has undoubtedly had economic consequences that are visible in almost all industries and company … Weiterlesen

The Koenig & Bauer Sheetfed division joined the “Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes Sachsen” association at the beginning of 2020. With this step, the Radebeul-based company, as a globally active printing … Weiterlesen

Both associations will work together in the future, particularly in the areas of technology leadership, knowledge transfer, innovation promotion and skilled workers. This was agreed by Frank Bösenberg, Managing Director … Weiterlesen

The economic success and prosperity of the state are achieved by dedicated employees in the state’s companies. A prosperity that was omnipresent in our state until the coronavirus crisis. In … Weiterlesen

The association Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes Sachsen e.V. celebrates its fifth anniversary on June 9, 2021. The association, based in Dresden, has become a strong voice advocating cosmopolitanism, internationality and … Weiterlesen

Robert Czajkowski, Spokesman of the Board of Directors of Wirtschaft für ein Weltoffenes Sachsen e.V., on the outcome of the federal elections on September 26, 2021: “The fact that an … Weiterlesen

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