Saxony is a state of immigration and that is a good thing



Guest article by Robert Czaikowski

The Free State in the east of the country and in the middle of Europe is characterized by a prosperous economic structure. Many hidden champions, well-positioned medium-sized companies and a few corporations are the professional home of many employees. The majority of people are hospitable and cosmopolitan.

The Saxons are currently ready to help immigrants from Ukraine. Unfortunately, the public perception, even outside Germany, is different. In order to improve this in the long term, civil society in all its facets is required. This requires the courageous and unequivocal commitment of the many in the private, social, political and, not least, entrepreneurial spheres. And modern political decisions are needed that dynamically promote the welcome in Saxony. A discursive exchange of opinions characterizes an open society and is one of the foundations for change. Acceptance of other cultures and views is a prerequisite for respectful coexistence. The principle of equality in the Basic Law of 1949 reflects the task we face today: to enable all people to participate equally arı our society. Participation and integration of people with international experience promote diversity. Anti-discrimination, enrich our country, secure prosperity and peace for our children and grandchildren. The goal must be natural cooperation between Irina from Kiev, Samer from Damascus and Franziska from Leipzig. 73 years after the Basic Law was passed, there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to removing structural barriers for people who are “not from here”.

The latest results of the Saxony Monitor provide some relief in that misanthropic attitudes have fallen significantly by 16 percentage points compared to the 2018 surveys.
However, these attitudes are entrenched in 15 percent of people. This minority makes itself heard in an extreme, ruthless, loud and disproportionate manner. It is therefore a socio-political necessity to invest in political, historical and media education. For many companies, this is already common practice. In this way, resilience to anti-democratic attitudes can be strengthened.

Specialist information centers advise

The situation on the labour market is intensifying at a rapid pace.
Openness to the world is a location factor, because Saxony’s economy needs immigration.
Companies now need much longer to fill vacancies. That is why they are more open to workers from abroad. Without immigration, they will not survive. Corporations and large SMEs have long recognized the potential and celebrate the success of diverse teams. Small companies and Saxon administrations sometimes need some convincing. Several factors are important for work integration. Above all, there is the legal framework, an efficient administration and clear management positions.

The Skilled Immigration Act, a federal law since 2020, is already improving the conditions for international skilled workers to take up employment. The Immigration Information Centers are registering increasing demand from companies and immigration authorities. Especially for the accelerated skilled worker procedure. In the amendment, the legal requirements, e.g. for entry to look for a training place, should be set at a lower threshold. The recognition of qualifications before entry should be adjusted and entry should be possible with an employment contract for a qualified job. The biggest hurdles lie in the recognition of professional qualifications. In addition, investments must be made in staffing regional immigration authorities and in recognition offices. The Free State of Saxony needs entrepreneurial commitment to openness to the world and a committed workforce in the service, industrial and skilled trades sectors to confirm this. We need a political commitment to the fact that we are an attractive immigration country. Skilled labor location marketing must become a principle of action in the Free State, otherwise prosperity in Saxony cannot be secured. The states with integration laws are significantly more successful in terms of labor migration. Saxony will be the fifth federal state to pass an lntegration law, which is far-sighted. The new Saxon lntegration and Participation Act (SlTG) can become a key lntegration instrument if it provides significant added value and offers scope for the future. It must enable a functioning integration management system in the Free State and thus be a basis for strengthening the integration of people in society as a whole. This cannot be achieved for free. Opening up the labor market is THE decisive key to successful integration and must be explicitly enshrined in the law with its own passage: People of foreign origin are to be seen as an important potential in the world of work.

The gross domestic product is already significantly generated by foreign employees. In the global competition for high potentials and all other urgently needed workers, Saxony should be the best location for each and every family.

Binding solutions needed

Solutions must be found for family members in order to retain foreign employees in the long term. To this end, companies need to actively promote integration into employment. Existing and well-functioning labor market structures for integration need to be consolidated. The employability of immigrants must be strengthened in the long term. The willingness of companies to invest in democratic education for their workforces must be recognized. This facilitates integration processes and the openness of the workforce to cultural diversity has an impact on society as a whole.

The SITG can also be used to promote the intercultural opening of state and local administrations. A state and local government that acts as a role model and model employer for migrant workers takes into account the cultural diversity in the labor market and the objectives of the law. The state and local administrations should enshrine in law their desire to increase the proportion of people with foreign roots in their workforce, as well as the development of intercultural skills among employees in the administrations. Respectful cooperation in the world of work and cosmopolitanism as a guiding principle of local and state administration has a significant impact on the acceptance of all citizens. If civil society, business and the authorities embrace this welcoming attitude, Saxony can become a good country for immigration.

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