The Federal Minister of Labor wants more speed – an empty phrase or an idea for companies? Speed and parallel processes. In particular, Minister Heil envisioned that the people who have fled Ukraine since March 2022 would be able to work more quickly. And not just him, but us too. It would be good and necessary for the economy to be able to access skilled workers and labor more quickly. And the job centers would have significantly less expenditure.
What should the job turbo look like? Is it a program, a project, a funding guideline? No. It is a different approach: No longer one step at a time, but several at the same time. No longer learning German first, then recognition of professional qualifications, then possibly adaptation training, then getting a job. Instead, in the best case scenario: starting work with a basic knowledge of German and learning by doing or qualification on the job. In our opinion, this is an entrepreneurial reality that we have been pointing out for some time.
Now it makes sense to take the long route, especially for immigrants from Ukraine, the majority of whom are female and academically trained: German course up to at least B2 and then entry into a profession with the right qualifications. But that takes a very long time. And it makes people doubt their prospects in Germany.
Despite all reservations about the term “turbo”, take a look at your company and consider whether such a parallel approach makes sense in one department or another. What minimum requirements do you define as a company? Are tandem solutions perhaps conceivable in order to bridge language difficulties in the initial period? You have the opportunity to bind people to your organization at an early stage and train them according to your needs.
The Federal Employment Agency offers a wide range of support for employers. Contact the employer service in your region or ask at the Immigration Information Centers FIZUs – they know their stuff!
By the way:
Daniel Terzenbach is being discussed as the Federal Government’s special representative for the labor market integration of refugees. He is a member of the BA’s Regions Board and will support companies in implementing the Jobturbo in the future. You can find details here: