Statement on the outcome of the Bundestag elections



Robert Czajkowski, Spokesman of the Board of Directors of Wirtschaft für ein Weltoffenes Sachsen e.V., on the outcome of the federal elections on September 26, 2021:

“The fact that an anti-democratic, right-wing populist, xenophobic and, to a large extent, right-wing extremist party has become the strongest political force in Saxony, winning 10 out of 16 direct mandates, has set the Free State back enormously in its efforts to master the many challenges of the coming years. The change from a protest party to a voice that is currently establishing itself in the political spectrum is tantamount to a massive defeat for all people who think and act in a liberal, constitutional, tolerant and progressive manner and will cause irreparable damage to Saxony’s reputation and, in particular, its exporting economy for years to come.

This parliamentary election makes it clear how urgent the tasks of our Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes Sachsen association are and that we still have a long way to go. More than ever, we feel called upon to take our positions even further into the region and to resist those who endanger the long-term prosperity of this region.”

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